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Seasons change: A Photo essay

By Mae Aguinaldo | Issue 26

All photos courtesy of the author
All photos courtesy of the author

Seasons change is about the resiliency of Filipinos. That mark of character that is part of local textbook knowledge and has come to be known worldwide. The artist asked several Filipino friends who have gone off to live and work in foreign lands about the personal souvenirs or totems they brought with them when they left the country. Walis tambo (whisk broom), rosary, photos of videoke memories, etc. These are the beaded forms sewn on the parachute pack on the t-shirt, recalling how early Filipinos had also sewn their personal emblems and memories on their armor vests.


An article on this piece has been previously published in 2014. Please refer to this link.

Mae Aguinaldo (Manila, Philippines) works primarily in textile and socially engaged art. Her background in fashion, economics, and population studies informs her art practice. With her work often intertwining with Southeast Asian communities, she started the mobile, artist-led space Malikhain Community and Art Space in 2023.


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